
Hepatic impairment

Renal impairment

Loading dose

Maintenance dose


* Contraindications
Active pathologic bleeding
* Cautions
discontinue 5-10d. before surgery
allergic to aspirin
caution in A.fib

Use caution

Not necessary


150 for 7days,
75mg for MD


* Contraindications
Active pathologic bleeding
Prior TIA or stroke
* Cautions
Bleeding diathesis
TTP reported (in 2 Wks.)
Caution with
Anticoagulant, NSAIDs, Fibrinolytics

In severe: not studied
mild-to-moderate: not Necessary

Not necessary




* Contraindications
History of Intra Cranial Hemo.
Active pathologic bleeding
Severe hepatic impairment
* Cautions
increase risk of bleeding
discontinue 5d before surgery
aspirin dose < 100mg/day
Dyspnea reported(resolved)
Avoid interruption

Contraindicated in severe state

Caution in moderate state

NO dose adjustment


90mg q12hr



*Maximal platelet aggregation, Acute Coronary Syndrome mortality 로 봤을 때
 Ticagrelor > Pragsugrel > Clopidogrel


*In patients ≥ 75 years of age, Effient is generally not recommended, because of the increased risk of fatal and intracranial bleeding and uncertain benefit, except in high-risk situations (patients with diabetes or a history of prior MI) where its effect appears to be greater and its use may be considered



1.  Clopidogrel, Prasugrel, Tacegerlor, ACC, 2013

2. Medscape

3. Prescribing informations

brilinta prescribing information.pdf

Effient prescribing informations.pdf

Posted by 최림


너네만 MIBI 라고 부르는 거야. 이 뒤쳐진 놈들아.

Posted by 최림

<...  첨단의 기계들이 보여주는 것처럼 정확한 좌표가 안리, 어렴풋이 '따뜻한 마음과 너그러운 격려 사이의 어디쯤'을 살고 있다는 현 위치가 보인다면 좋게습니다. ...>

-김미라 라디오 에세이 오늘의 오프닝 에서

예전에 나온 G.O.D 노래 중 '길' 이라는 노래가 있습니다. 4집 이었던 걸로 기억하는데요.

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어렴풋한 희망을 가지고 말이죠.

Posted by 최림